Tisoč in ena misel, tisoč in ena skrb.
Ki se zataknejo in krožijo okoli ene groze.
"So jezni name?"
"Me bodo zapustili? Kje so? So še tu?"
"Bo konec sveta?'"
"Bom neozdravljivo zbolel?"
"Bo vojna?"
"Bo potres?"
Samo v njegovem svetu igre za čas potihnejo.
Nato spet preglasijo tolažbo in se zataknejo pri naslednji grozi ...

Thousand and one thoughts, thousand and one worries,
wich stumble and circle around one horror.
"Are they mad at me?"
"Are they going to live me? Where are they? Are they still here?"
Will the world end?"
"Shall I fall incurably ill?"
"Is there going to be a war?"
"Is thete going to be earthquake?"
Only in his world of play those thoughts stand still for a while.
Than again rise out of the consolation and stumble over a new horror ...

Mali Princ
Little Prince

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